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Miracle Rogue [Standard]

Ahhhh, the deck that we lose to, and lose with! However, it was still TheOneJack's deck of choice against the recent Global Friendly Series match against MiTH!


If you are totally new to Miracle Rogue, kudos for trying and good luck in not dying. If you've tried it before and found some success and hope to improve, also good luck in not dying!

Jokes aside, this deck is challenging. Challenging to learn, and more so to master. Hopefully, this deck guide will help you learn something new and aid you in your Miracle Rogue adventures.

In order to win your matches, we will start by identifying your win conditions. There are 3 in this deck.

1) First one is giving birth to a HUGE Edwin and slapping your opponent's face with him a few times.

2) Second is letting your opponent play hide-and-seek with your Auctioneer with a turn 7 Auctioneer into conceal play. However, it won't do much if you don't draw a ridiculous portion of your deck the next turn.


At every stage of the game, it is important to recognize which win condition is available to you based on the state of your game and evaluate to determine which win condition will give you the highest probability of winning.

For example, if you know that you must kill your opponent in the next few turns (for whatever reason) and have not drawn into Mr Jenkins and Mr Auctioneer, letting your baby Edwin ferment in your hand will bring you no closer to winning the game. Feed him with a bunch of cards and throw him out onto the board. Best case scenario, your opponent has no removals and he wins you the game, while the worst case scenario is that Edwin eats up a bunch of removal spells and minions. Either way, it will help to buy you an extra turn or two while you try to dig for your AFK Leeroy and Auctioneer.

This is what makes Miracle Rogue such a challenging deck to pilot. Looking at the given example above, you have to evaluate your options based on your given circumstances very carefully. Your big Edwin can pose different levels of threat depending on the opponent. The warrior can just execute it, the mage probably has to fireball it and sacrifice their 1 mana Magical Worm (Mana Wyrm), while the druid (who usually don't carry strong single target removal) sits there and ropes.

Another piece of advice, before you start your Auctioneer draw train, think about what cards you want to draw first. This pre-drawing evaluation will help you to decide of whether to play Preparation first of a cheap 1 mana spell first. It makes a world of difference. Especially when you are under threat of lethal.

As for the use of Cold Blood, if you can go face and think that your minion can survive, just buff it with Cold blood. The reason is because that 4 extra damage will have to go to his face eventually. By buffing your minion now, there is a possibility that your opponent cannot remove your minion and you get to deal another 4 extra damage. This opens up more opportunities for you to go for lethal and also forces your opponent to make desperate plays.

This deck takes practice and patience. Even if you are a Miracle Rogue master, you will lose games. The current meta of warriors also don't help your cause as it is an unfavorable match up for you. The flood of aggro decks will also pose a challenge, albeit not an impossible one.

If you have the cards and crave for something new, I implore you to try your hand at Miracle Rogue. I can guarantee you that after losing your first 10 games, winning the 11th one will be extremely satisfying.

Mulligan Guide

There are only 13 minions in this deck, that is why, in general, you should aim to keep your SI:7 Agent and Tomb Pillager in all match ups. However, against aggro, only keep the Tomb Pillager when you have the coin. It doesn't matter how many minions you remove in the early game, as the opponent will just keep restocking his board while you play nothing and question the existence of this deck as well as the purpose of your life.

Against slower match ups, keeping an Auctioneer would be alright.

Keeping something like SI:7 Agent, with Prep and Eviscerate in some aggro match ups may be good. For instance, on turn 3, you can play the SI and remove a Shaman's Tunnel Trogg and Totem Golem (if you have your dagger up) to create a huge tempo swing. It is difficult for me to depict every single possible situation as there are just too many variables involved. Your own judgement is key.


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