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Dragon Control Warrior [STANDARD]

This deck shares elements from the traditional Control Warrior while also adding more pressure on the board. Turtlepower piloted this deck to victory in our Global Friendly Series match against MiTH!


Remove. Armor Up. Survive.

This deck works utilizes the standard removal tools that Warriors have while also bolstering your arsenal with the Blackwing Corruptor. The stars of this deck would definately be the Blackwing Corruptos, Twilight Guardian and N'zoth.

Looking at the Blackwing Corruptors, you may think its too slow to be played in the present aggressive meta. However what it actually does is that it allows warrior to continue to remove more minions while also have a 5/4 body on the board. Most aggro decks would run out of steam around turn 5, which is also when you would run out of removal cards in your hand.

Playing the Blackwing Corruptor on turn 5, further reduces the opponents threats while forcing them into an ultimatum; try to control the board or race for the face. Either way, its a downhill battle for any aggro deck from that point onwards.

Some of you might think that a Twilight Guardian is just too situational and the Bloodhoof Brave is a more reliable pick. Yes that is true. But its also true that Kodos will instantly wreck your Bloodhoof Brave. Furthermore, damaging your Bloodhoof to play around a Kodo makes it an easy Kill Command Target.

N'zoth found itself a spot of this deck just because it possess a late game threat in control matchups. If you are fighting against an aggro deck but its turn 10 and you've stabilized the board but your opponent just wont give up, N'zoth will nudge him towards the concede button.

Mulligan Guide

Against aggro matchups, keep your removal cards as well as weapons. Against zoo, revenge is a good keep.

Against control matchups, I would keep Twilight Guardian and weapons.

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