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Favourite Deck:

midrange paladin


it executive/writer

I'm the dude who writes the stuff about the other dudes.


I am a Sociology student at Nanyang Technological University and I really enjoy gaming. I was a Starcraft player and currently play OVERWATCH, League of Legends and Hearthstone. I am still relatively new to Hearthstone as compared to the other members of team GameForge but I can hold my ground and also made it to Legend Rank. I got to know the team through Ryan "Cakemaker". We served our National Service together and became best buds.


I am the one who designs the posters and logos you've seen, such as the Global Friendly Series logo and I also designed this website. Aside from that, I am also tasked with writing the articles that are available here.


On a final note, I would like to thank all of our supporters who took the time to visit our website and I hope that you will continue to support us in the years to come. It took a lot of effort for us to get here as a team and in the end, it was all worth it.


I hope that you will enjoy your experience here, at team GameForge's Official Website.


"RYAN stop laughing pls. ENOUGH!"

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