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Favourite Deck:


competitive player

Mikkel is currently pursuing his studies. When he is not mugging for his next exam, you can find him shopping away or eating at the nearest coffeshop. He is the superstar of the team, always being the life of the party. He always energizes the team with his lively personality and his humor is always appreciated.


Mikkel never fails to hit Legend Rank every season and is without a doubt, a Top Tier Hearthstone player. He is even a better Druid player; the BEST we've all seen. Before the Whispers of the Old Gods (WOTOG) expansion, his power as a Druid player comes from his prayers for the Savage Roar-FON combo on turn 9 and now, after WOTOG was released, he now prays for C'thun "ALL HAIL C'THUN!" on turn 10.


It is without a doubt that Mikkel will storm through the competitive Hearthstone scene with his C'thun "ALL HAIL C'THUN!".


If it doesn't work out, there is still Yogg Druid "PRAISEEEE YOGGG!"


Mikkel also wants everyone to know that they should feel free to challenge him to grudge matches anytime. *GameForge will not be liable to bear the cost of reparations for any salty feelings caused by said matches*


Elephino Open #17 - 1st Runners Up


Campus Game Fest 2016 - 5th to 8th


Elephino Open #31 - 4th

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